Category Archives: Family

Sister Time

Dave is spending the weekend with his sister in Delaware. I spent yesterday afternoon with my own unique sister. We went to a concert of music from Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil by the Dartmouth College Glee Club.

The concert was held in the Rollins Chapel of the college at 3 PM. The light streamed through the stained glass, slowly fading as the sun set and the music floated from Vespers to Matins to First Hour. The performance was marvelous.

We had supper at the Hanover Inn, a warm finish to a day well-spent. Afterward we parted on the steps of the Inn, steeling ourselves to turn and face the winter wind.

“We come on the Sloop Harold B …”

We’ve just had a fantastic weekend with Dave’s sisters, Cherie and Kelly. Last winter, while researching sloops, Cherie came across Harold A. Burnham. She called us on Christmas day and announced that she was giving us a cruise on a boat from Gloucester, MA. On Father’s Day weekend. I’m sure we said “Thank you” and pretty much forgot about it.

Lucky for us Cherie did not forget because we went on the cruise on Friday with Cherie and Kelly and it was wonderful.
Here is a photo of boat captain, Harold Burnham lowering the foresail with assistance from Simon and Charlie.

We began the day at the Burnham shipyard in Essex and finished it in Gloucester, having sailed all the way around Cape Ann.