Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ode to the Camry

The Ubiquitous 1990 Toyota Camry

Have you noticed that you cannot get in a car and drive anywhere without seeing at least one Toyota Camry of early 1990s vintage?

I thought it might be a New England phenomenon, but I’ve had the same experience all over the country. It certainly affected my decision to buy a Toyota last year. I figured those guys sure can make a car that lasts.

The car pictured above belongs to my sister and has well over 200,000 miles on it. She will be very sad the day she has to give it up. I can see why. I’ve driven it and it’s a sweet ride. Not such a great looker, unless you’re a fan, but nice.

Garage update

I’ve been meaning to post a series of photos of the garage/office project in the Photos section, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. I’ve been too lazy to select and re-size all the photos.

The project is coming along quite nicely. The builder has worked hard to make sure it looks well with the house. I would give him a link here, but he doesn’t seem to have a web site. They have lavished quite a bit of attention on the trim and it has paid off. That and Dave’s brilliant site selection have turned the tide of public opinion on what now appears to be the Little Yellow Compound.

To Do List

I woke up this morning and figured out how to stream audio to the Windows Media Player. So now you can listen to Dave’s music without waiting for the whole download.

I haven’t figured out how to stream to Quicktime or RealPlayer yet, but I’ll work on that. It’s raining heavily outside so I might just get around to it today. Either that or knit socks. It’s a toss up.