Independence Day

Early morning on Long Island

I took this picture early one morning in East Hampton, Long Island two years ago while on vacation.

That week Dave and I developed a habit of getting up very early and biking around. The geography was so flat, biking was nearly effortless. We felt so lighthearted and free that week. We usually feel that way, but some events lately have been weighing heavily on both of us. We’re starting to lighten up again and I’m looking forward to the rest of the summer.

So today is my independence day, too. I’m freeing myself of the sadness and anger I’ve been holding. I’m forgiving myself and others. I’m moving on.

I had a yoga teacher a few years ago who left the area last year. When I first started working with him, I did not like his practice. It seemed to ask too much. Then I grew to love it. Michael ended every class with this blessing:

“May you go forth with courage and creativity in your hearts and in your lives. Shalom, shalom, shalom. Shanti, shanti, shanti. Peace. Namaste.”