Summer doldrums

I haven’t been up much for writing anything lately. Life is a bit chaotic and unfocused. Our office reflects how unsettled I am. The papers are piling up — our filing is way out of control. I’ve been putting off dealing with it until the move in the the new office.

The garage/office project is moving along quickly. The second floor is all framed. There have been mishaps. One of the guys shot a nail through his finger with the nailgun. Those guns always made me nervous. The day after the incident, I heard a nailgun go off. Someone said “Ouch!”, waited a beat and then said “Just kidding, Mark!”

In an attempt to shuck whatever it is that’s getting to me, I’ve started running a little bit in the mornings. We get out to the Green by 7:30 AM and I do a couple of laps while Dave walks Cammy. We’ve been having a heat wave, but the air is still refreshing at that hour.

One bright spot is the Renaissance choral group we started earlier this summer. We’ve been getting together Thursday evenings.

Another simple pleasure is the garden. Something new blooms every week. But even that adds to the feeling of being overwhelmed when I see the weeding I should be doing.