Bark less, wag more

The hardware store in a nearby village uses their signboard to entertain (and instruct) passersby with witty sayings. Today the board reads “Bark less, wag more.”

I’m sure it’s a reference to a popular list of advice that was circulated on the internet years ago:

Eat less, exercise more.
Talk less, think more.
Ride less, walk more.
Worry less, work more.
Waste less, give more.
Preach less, practice more.
Frown less, laugh more.
Scold less, praise more.
Regret less, aspire more.
Hate less, love more.

It’s all good, but “bark less, wag more” really says it all.

One thought on “Bark less, wag more”

  1. Hi Helen-
    It’s Brooke again (another happy owner of yellow house w/ blue shutters and a CR Potter garage). Go here to see where the Wag More, Bark Less came from. I’ve ordered some stickers – I’ll drop one off when they arrive.

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