Merry Christmas!

We are having a quiet day, relaxing and contemplating the Christmas tree. The past few weeks have flown by, filled with work and activity so it is nice to have some “down” time.

It has been a long time since I last posted. I’ve been laid low by a cough that would not go away. When you cough for 22 days straight, you start to feel a little tired, and that’s where I was when I finally gave in and saw a doctor on Friday. Having been brought up in Christian Science, it always makes me feel a bit of a failure to seek medical help. I also have a general suspicion that western medicine has a tendency to cut what it could untie, but then again, sometimes a little codeine helps.

Last night was the big night at St. James. At the “midnight” mass, we sang most of Mozart’s Missa Brevis in F Major, and it was so much fun. We had string instrumentalists, David Gay at the organ, and four wonderful soloists. After the ordeal of singing “Morning Star” as part of a trio in the morning service, I was quite ready to be one of the alto pack again. There is something very satisfying and secure about being in a group of altos. Dave recorded it and we will probably be posting some of that music shortly.

In particular, I would like to mention that our tenor, Oliver, held up his section (being a section of one) beautifully, all the while singing his solos, conducting the rest of us and supporting the basses on some of their entrances. His voice just floats above it all. And I can’t not mention Bitsy’s beautiful soprano shining through, too. The other soloists are no less deserving of praise. They were Sue singing alto and my own sweet Dave singing bass.

Today we’re planning a quiet roast chicken dinner. We had the ultimate fabulous Christmas dinner on Saturday at Heidi’s. Bruce pulled out all the stops as usual and produced a meal to die for. I don’t know how he does it, but he certainly gives the rest of us something to aspire to.

I hope you’re having a lovely Christmas with good people, good food and good music, too.