10 Years

Ten years ago today I had surgery for ductal carcinoma in situ, which is really just fancy talk for a tiny little bit of cancer. I’m still not sure I know what that means, but I’ve been in pretty good shape for 10 years now so I guess it wasn’t so bad. Sometimes I think like I’m a real sissy to even think it was anything like an ordeal.

It’s funny to remember now, but at the time, I developed an irrational attachment to the surgeon. He was probably in his mid-60s, but he was my new best friend. I found it very hard to be separated from him. It was almost a relief to develop some minor complications that required a visit to the ER where he happened to be on call.

Then I had daily radiation treatment for 6 weeks and became irrationally attached to the technicians who administered it. It must be some kind of medical version of “Stockholm Syndrome.”

Anyway, here I am 10 years later. My life is radically different, and I think the experience of cancer, surgery and the aftermath has a lot to do with where and who I am now.

One thought on “10 Years”

  1. Helen, I found your blog because I was trying to think of a name for our blog. Since we are in the process of buying a yellow house I typed that in and came up with yours–I am glad I did. I need to continue to search for another name. Enjoyed your posts. Leslie

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