The First of August

Today is the Swiss National Holiday. I grew up celebrating this holiday at a family picnic hosted by the Swiss Home in Mount Kisco, NY.

The Swiss Home was a retirement home for elderly Swiss Nationals. As kids, my brothers, sister and I couldn’t have cared less about the inhabitants of the home. The attraction for us was to spend the day running amok with the offspring of other Swiss immigrants.

There was bratwurst to eat, a roulette game that was so exotic to us, a large bell on the hillside just daring us to ring it and a band playing the Swiss Landler music that our parents loved to dance to. Best of all, at dusk we walked in a “lampion” parade from the bottom of the property to the site at the top of the hill where a bonfire was lit. It was magical.

Tonight it is too hot for a bonfire, but I miss it all the same.

One thought on “The First of August”

  1. Oh my gosh. So many memories…
    All of the Swiss cantonal flags were hung from a long line of huge old trees leading up the hill to the Home. Everyone sat at ancient wooden tables that were set up in the shade, with overflow onto blankets and fold-up chairs on the lawn below. For a couple of years, there was a weary-looking donkey giving rides to children, and every year the ice cream truck tinkled its bell up the hill, where a long line would form. Luckily, Sam was able to attend two of those picnics — one when she was about 5 months old, and one when she was 2 years. She remembers standing on the dance floor and watching everyone dancing.
    It’s sad that the property was sold — and the Swiss Picnic in New York has gone upscale. This year, they held it on Ellis Island, which I’m sure was lovely, but hardly the same. I will always remember the Swiss Picnics in Mt. Kisco…

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